Saturday, December 10, 2005


Over the mountains and the sea...

...Your river runs with love for me;

And I will open up my heart...

...and let the Healer set me free.


Paul said...

hey dude... that was nice, or rather, artistic.

see ya at sfx.

chowkueyteow said...

Hey Paul! That was quick...just posted it up, hehe.

If you hadn't guessed already, the first 3 pictures were taken in Cameron's during our trip there - on my 0.3 mega-pixel phone camera...while the resolution isn't anything to shout about, it does give a sort of pastel look to the pictures, which is =)

To a certain extent.

Thanks for dropping by my blog every 15 minutes to check for updates!

Anonymous said...

COOL...i SOO LOOVVEE tat song..
very creative of u too..

chowkueyteow said...

Hi Adeline! It's a very beautiful song, and sort of brings me through my bad moments... =)

Thanks for dropping by!


Hi samlouie! Haha, I'd be honoured - you needn't have asked... =)

Thanks for popping by!

Anonymous said...

Hello.It's been such a lOng time since i dropped by. Ode...Nice~ Very creative too.Are you planning to be a photographer? I know there are people who hv the hots for photographer. =D

Anonymous said...


chowkueyteow said...

Hi Of Lions And Serpents! Yes, it HAS been a while, hasn't it...

Thanks, but don't think I'll be taking up photography anytime soon...remember, those pictures were taken with a 0.3 MEGAPIXEL PHONE CAMERA - with the exception of the last picture, of course; that was taken by a friend. I only take photos when necessary, hehe...

Thanks for dropping by!

p.s. - you seem to forget that people have the hots for me regardless of whether I'm a photographer or not...

p.p.s - hope SPM went great.


Hi Adeline!


Thanks for dropping by again!

Sara said...

Hey Aaron.Wow its been a long time since you posted something here.I was thinking you went into hibernation or something.Kidding.Hehhe...Btw, nice post.Thoughtful and oh so true.

p.s=Adeline,enough with your photographer la.Hehhe.

Irene Sim said...

ha! i'm #10 to join the condemnation! what song eh? sounds awfully familiar...eheh

Anonymous said...

SSSH!!sara!!dun wanna the whole world to know!! =)

YES,AARON.I KNOW. Girls juz hv da hots 4 u..or iszit A girl..ehehe..^^

chowkueyteow said...

Hi Sara! Yes, it HAS been a long while, hasn't it...technically I DID go into hibernation - was inactive socially for about a month or so, having been tied up with assignments and preparation for exams...but now, I'M FREE!

Thanks for dropping by!


Hi Irene! Aha, #10!

It's I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever, written by Martin Smith of Delirious.

Thanks for the 10th condemnation!


Hi Adeline! Haha, it's not just A girl...the phrase "multitudes of women" was created just for me...

Thanks for dropping by yet again!

David Tay said...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year bro!

Irene Sim said...

just to put you out of your #13 misery. am i not kind? hehe.

Anonymous said...

HEY!! thought u been tagged??!!?? where is ur post then?? =)

Michelle J Brohier said...

Ah cool! Hey Aaron! Michelle Brohier here... and I've stumbled unto your blog.

And I like how you did this. The photograph and the song done together... really nice. And what luck that Delirious came over. You went for the concert right? Hope you had fun!

Take care and God bless!

chowkueyteow said...

Hi David!

Erm, Merry Christmas and Happy Chinese New Year!


Thanks for the wishes!


Hi Irene!

Thou art kinder than the snow.

Thanks for putting me out of my misery!


Hi Adeline!

Aha, I didn't see anything...

Thanks for thinking about my tagging!

Wait. That sounds so wrong.


Hi Cherry Tiger!

Welcome to my humble's not much, it's just what I like to blog. =)

Thanks! It was a short, inspired burst of creativity - something which I don't get often, heh heh...

We were lucky indeed...Delirious was A-W-E-S-O-M-E! And you should know by now, if I say awesome, it REALLY MEANS AWESOME... =) too bad not too many people were was quite a sad sight, really...the stadium was like 1/4 full...and when you look at their other concerts, you'd notice the place packed to the brim - in stadiums even larger than the one we went to...

Anyways, smaller crowds = more chance for us to get closer to stage!


Thanks for dropping by!