"Know this, my dear brothers: everyone should be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath..."Yes, but how many of us are quick to hear one another?
How many of us want to hear?
How many of us hear?
How many of us listen?
Oft, I feel the only thing willing to listen intently is the wall.
But Jesus, I know You're with me; listening to the depths of my heart, soothing the very depths of my soul...
Very thought-provoking... Sometimes it's hard to believe that the world really is as good as it claims. How many of us can actually acknowledge that we're really flawed and in desperate need of something?
How many will believe that we all need Jesus?
Take the time to listen, take the time to look and you will hear and you will find what you need.
Take care and God bless!
Hi Cherry Tiger!
Haha, I actually saw your comment in the next post first and replied to that without realising this post had a comment...didn't think anyone would really comment on my lamentation... =) thanks though!
While this post was originally intended to vent deep-levels of frustration (hah, it failed miserably), I guess it can be applied to how self-centred the world has become - people wanting to be heard, but not hearing in return; lamenting on desperate needs, yet not attending to the desperate needs of others; and most of all, not listening to their own imperfections, while being the first to condemn others'.
I think this is what James was trying to get at when he wrote the above passage... =)
Take the time to listen, take the time to look and you will hear and you will find what you need indeed.
Or rather, Who you need.
Thanks for dropping by!
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