The only locally-produced (and critically-acclaimed) movie I've cared to watch thus far (if only to see whether it was worth critics' dua sen) and I found it to be interestingly light, humourous, romantic and sad all at the same time - well worth critics' dua sen.
While most of the actors looked as if they had been doing drugs the night before and were therefore stoning throughout the movie, I felt Sepet gave a refreshing outtake of Malaysian life - VCD peddling, inter-racial/religious romance, pre-marital sex, pregnancy and abortion, loan shark-ing, and the indiscriminate giving of scholarships among many others. Kudos to director Yasmin Ahmad for managing to capture just that!
**Although sadly, there was the impression that abortion is the way out of a "mistake" in the past...the issue could have been addressed in a better way.**
Memorable quotes from Sepet:

"You know what you are? You're the biggest wanker in the whole town of Ipoh!"
-- Orked to a male friend who was taunting her.
"Milf? Apa tu milf, bah?"
-- Orked, when playing Scrabble with her dad; after his turn.

"Hang Li Po, Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Hang Chee B**, all the same lah."
-- Ah Keong discussing the origin of Babas with Ah Loong.
"Malay girls with wet sarongs - wah lau eh."
-- Ah Keong discussing the origin of Babas with Ah Loong.
**Note the similar overtones**
Hmm, I could use a few of those...
worth your 2 sen eh? maybe i should go and watch it...
Aaron,it DON'T worth 2 sen k!?!ur darling love tat movie k!?!u noe who i meant =) hehe..
AarOn!!You aRe baCk fRom UK!! YeS,m
Ust admit that's the oNly wOrth watchiNg loCal fiLm..i Nvr watched aNy otHeRs...I dO lOve that sHow..bUt theRe aRe paRts oF the sHow that aRe gOing nowheRe.OooooooOoooOooo!!!I lOved the eNdiNg!!(EveNthOugh it pUzzLed me,aLot...) Aaaaaa,i waNt a sqUeLllll!!! HoweVer,we ChrisTiaNs aRe tOld 2 nOy 2 yOke OurseLves wiF nOn-ChirstiAns sO,i reCkon nOne oF thiS wiLL happeN oN uS...*cOughs* *cleaRs throat*...I wOuld rate thiS mOvie an A iF theRe waS a feWer of uNneeded scenes...
Hi Paul! Well, technically it wasn't worth my 2 sen, as I caught it on the plane on the way to UK, and I only started watching about halfway into the show, so there...but still a great show anyway =) hehe, when you come back to KL and STILL want to watch, you know who to call...
No Paul, not ghostbusters.
Thanks for dropping by!
Hi Adeline! It's worth my two sen, not worth two sen...
Oh, you mean my friend Adrian Ng? Haha.
Wait. That's scary.
Thanks for dropping by!
Hi Of Lions And Serpents! Yes, back from UK indeed I am!! Hmmm, the whole world seems to know I went to UK...didn't know I was that hot!
Yup, the show's worth watching, but then again, I didn't make a trip to the cinema to catch it; just so happened they were showing it on the plane to UK...
You loved the ending? Well, it was ok I guess...just thought that the mother and daughter oh-let's-cry-together-gether part was a bit over done =) it ended quite abruptly as well, I must say...I felt it was a good idea, but quite badly carried out =)
Hmmm, regarding "ChrisTiaNs aRe tOld 2 nOy 2 yOke OurseLves wiF nOn-ChirstiAns" [sic], I don't think it's so much to not yoke ourselves with non-Christians (or nOn-ChirstiAns as you put it), but more so we are encouraged to have a relationship with a partner that constantly challenges us to grow in faith, to grow closer to God; and it's much more difficult with a non-Christian but not impossible =)
Thanks for dropping by!
hehehe, monkey sees monkey does...
-from a chessaddict
Hi Messrs! Well, I have to get my resources from somewhere, right...
Thanks for dropping by!
p.s. - I wasn't the ONLY one who got myself a counter after seeing a certain someone getting one...
NO!!!!NOT ur tat darling!!!ur another GIRL darling!!!NOT guy..u CRAZIE fellow..xiao xiao...
Oh u talkin bout counter yah? yar...come to think about it, true also...wahh y so kiasu 1. I thought only blinkie, actually I want to take that one also, but I left that for u la, haha ;)
p.s, who's this girl darling?
Hi Messrs! I was talking about the other way around la - I seem to remember getting the counter first then seeing one appear on your site not too long after that...
hmm, strange happenings indeed. *ahem*
Who's this girl darling you ask?
Aha, I believe that's for God to know, and for me to find out =)
Thanks for dropping by yet again!
(even if it was just to gloat at my kiasu-ness; the tables have turned, haven't they?) =)
wah...sure or not? I got the counter first la...
hehe, u haven't find out ar? better faster, b4 gets taken
Yea,yea,yea.you aRe sOoooo hOt that we keep track on w-ever yOu dO...ha ha.Don't u kNow who's yOur giRl darling iS.Should i tell??? Hmm...well betteR not.I dO not want 2 be dead b4 reaDing Harry Potter bOok 7.
after link whore-ing you,i decided to test it out and voila,it works!!yay..
my super amazingness never ceases to amaze me..
Haven't watched Sepet,but judging from the quotes you plucked I'm guessing you enjoyed it...
Now,dahling,its time for you to figure out who I am,although its so painfully obvious that you really have no excuse for not knowing.....
ps: you are SO NOT Han Solo.Maybe Princess Leia..Haha..can I call you princess?(oh NO,you might actually like that);p
Hi Messrs! I got first la. Well, about finding out, I'm leaving it (or at least, trying to) in God's hands =)
Thanks for gloating, only to find yourself out-gloated!
Hi Of Lions And Serpents! Not dying before reading Harry Potter 7 may not be actually worth it...I hear it's pretty sucky =)
Thanks for adding to the comments!
p.s. - I am hot. Chillies cry when they get eaten by me. So do I.
Hi Anonymous!
Note: it's freaky to be greeting myself...
Hmm, sort of guessed who it was from the first 3 letters...
Thanks for link-whoring!
p.s. - You must be really, really bored to link-whore me. (??!)
p.p.s. - of course I'm so NOT Han Solo...I'm more beautiful.
They censored some of the better quoteslah... Like when Ah L says not all China men are cheats, and not all Malays are lazy, Orked replies with, "True what. Malays are lazy,"
My fave quote is still, when Ah L says to J:
"Get together with Malays, very susah one, you know. Cannot eat char-siu. Some more, your xiao didi (makes slashing motion), they CUT ONE-ah!"
Hi Sheena! Hehe, wanted to put that one up, but couldn't remember how it actually went...
Hmmm, I think they gave liberty to MAS to air the show uncut...I remember that censored statement well...not expecting the release of the uncut VCD anytime soon, for obvious reasons...
Thanks for dropping by!
Wow, so many comments man...wish I was that famous.. *hint, hint*
*winks and grins widely*
Aaron, you said:
"Who's this girl darling you ask?
Aha, I believe that's for God to know, and for me to find out =)"
Yeah man, way the go Aaron! Good answer, hehe. Oh well, all I can say to you is to make a main priority in relationships by pleasing God and blessing others or just put your focus on Him while you're still single. Like me, hehe...:)With these, you will find such peace and joy you never thought you'll have. In God's time, like I would always say. And with that, He will definitely bring you both (*ahem* I mean a girl and yourself, not....oh well,you know what I mean *wink*) together at the time when you at least expected Him too =)
Cherio and GOd bless!
Hi Janice! So many comments, well, half of it is mine, there's one deleted which still counts as a comment, got a few chatting comments, and one more from a friend who dropped by for fun...so if you look at it that way, I don't have that many comments =) (this reply adds one more, btw...) But I'm still famous though...(or notorious, for want of a better word)
Answering that question is really easy; living it out is extremely difficult, given our human state...which leads me to the question: how does one know just when God's time is? =) could there be God-given signs being missed, blaring horns going unheard, all while one waits for it to be "in God's time"? Just thought I'd ask. ;)
**I'm not the one reading Joshua Harris mah**
Thanks for dropping by!
Okay, haha. I'll stick to you being notorious then..hehe. And bout ur comments: it's still many, though :)
Hmnn, difficult question i would say. It's hard to say cos individually, we experience and know differently when is God's timing for us. But what I do know, that you will know it yourself when the time comes. I'm not saying that's just it, but it comes with a lot of prayers and discernment.
I've read this somewhere, but I dont know which book that is...But this is what I can recall. When you finally meet someone and when you THINK that you would want to spend the rest of your life with her, that's when u have to pray and discern even more whether this person is right for you or not (not saying that you shouldn pray now). OFTEN, it takes time.Be patient. In time, in a discern spirit... only when you feel that certain peace and joy in your heart.. and still having that same peace in your heart at the thought of her being beside you. THen, I think maybe this is God's timing for you... This is what I know, for now cos haha, me also still waiting for the right person to come along and sweep me off my feet, hehe.
I encourage you to read Joshua Harris's books. Start with 'I kissed dating goodbye'-4single ppl in particular. Teaches us to lead a life of sincere love, purity and a purposeful singleness...like serving God :). Then read, 'Boy Meets Girl'... haha, teaches us what kind of person we should look for in a spouse-very important! Probably these books will answer your questions about many things you're confused about. I know they answered mine :)
God bless!
p/s: sorry for the long-winded comment
Hi Janice! Thanks for the concise summary of all you've read...will take it into account!
Thanks for dropping by!
p.s. - being long-winded is not necessarily a bad thing...look at how many fans I have!
Hi Hanna!
Thanks for dropping by!
Hi aaron!
Hmmmm....wonder if you still remember me though.
If i said you were hot,hmmm... maybe not la.after all, we wouldn't want other people to get the wrong idea now, would we?
oh but the comment bout the chillies were sooo funny.hahah
take care.
That book is good. I read it already. Keep it up. Don't rush for love, let love come to you when it is right.
Live it up for Jesus!
^oops sorry. Suppose to publish that comment on Janice's blog.
Add me ya Aaron?
Hi Sara! Of course I remember you - a hot guy (i.e. me) always remembers the female company he keeps.
Wrong idea? Of course. By saying I'm hot, people would be getting the wrong idea of me being less hot than I actually am, for I am very hot. Ouch!
Thanks for bothering to go through all my comments and leaving one yourself!
Hi David! I've already got 3 books on worship lined up for me, and I haven't even got past half of one, much less touched any of them for a month =) will keep that book in mind though...
Adding done! =)
Thanks for commenting on the wrong page, and leaving another one to rectify it!
25 comments for sepet?!? what the... this must stop... hehehh
wait, i just added another. aw heck, let's make it 30.
Hi Messrs!
Yup, you guessed it, this comment gets us closer to the ultimate goal of 124...
Just fyi, (the number of comments I have) squared equals to the number of fans I have...and all are highly anticipating my next post, heh heh.
Will come, will come.
Thanks for adding to the numbers!
Here's no. 30. So, you will be needing that update, I'm speaking for your many fans =)
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